Master the principles of Non-Violent Communication
The basics of NVC
NVC, made famous by Marshall Rosenberg, has helped bridge countless conflicts by increasing understanding and removing obstacles to true Relating. It is not a technique to end disagreements, but rather a method designed to increase empathy and improve the quality of life of those who utilize the method and the people around them.
Violence is a common occurrence in most human societies. It is not exclusive to war zones and oppressive governments, but can be observed in our everyday language. The insight behind NVC is that we can use certain “tricks” to increase our awareness and reduce the violence in our communication and relating.
In order to master these tricks, we need to learn to differentiate between these key components of our human experience:
Observations / Facts
Feelings / Sensations
Thoughts / Judgement
Needs / Longings
Requests / Strategies
Essence / Being
What do you need?
“When we are in contact with our feelings and needs, we humans no longer make good slaves and underlings.”
We all share a set of universal human needs
The drive behind our actions are attempts of fulfilling our needs
How we feel depends upon whether or not our needs are met
We all enjoy contributing given that it occurs voluntarily
Dags att göra något annorlunda på din nästa företagsträff, konferens eller workshop?
På Amoeba i centrala Göteborg kan du kombinera vackra och inspirerande miljöer med sessioner som mindfulness, stressreducering, empatisk kommunikation och kreativt uttryck.
Det går också bra att anordna på din arbetsplats eller online.