8 week course (online or physically)
The way of mindfulness
Experience mindfulness beyond stress relief
Learn to rest in BEING
while embracing ACTION
in you fully embodied FORM
and share the JOY with others
Practical tools for insight, acceptance and compassion
Develop transformative habits to support mindful living
Find your inner peace and learn the art of effortless focus
Access to material for continuous practice after completion

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”
Patrik is a teacher of mindfulness, meditation, qigong and the internal arts. He brings his experience across many disciplines together in his work as a coach, facilitator and trainer. Besides the internal arts, he is certified as Vipassana teacher under Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach.
Patrik loves to share practical tools and profound teachings and is passionate about creating safe spaces that enable deep learning and transformation.
The first thing I noticed was your energy. There is an inner stillness emanating, which supports my sense of safety. You have an awareness and attunement which allows me to stay in presence.
– Robin
Deltog under 2020 i en av hans kurser och det var den kanske bästa investeringen jag gjort!
– Malou
I had absolutely no idea what to expect from the workshop and I was really surprised by the powerful exersises. Thank you so much for creating a safe space for deep healing!
– Deltagare 2023
Opening, epiphany, presence, calmness, liveliness.
– Martina
Mindfulness is an innate capacity we all have to feel fully alive and aware in our lives with a feeling of acceptance and joy. This capacity can be trained!
This course is for anyone who is looking to develop increased awareness and is willing to do the inner work. It is for you who feel drawn to learn – or deepen – the art of meditation and mindful living.
Please be prepared for a transformational period that may uncover aspects of you that have been hidden.
8 transformative modules
Gain a deeper understanding of mindfulness and learn new tools, techniques and attitudes to support your journey.
Material for a lifetime
Learn the art of meditation frame by frame. You will have unlimited access to recordings, meditations and material for continuous practice.
Tested methods
The course is based on scientifically proven methods (MBSR) and is grounded in genuine tradition (Vipassana).
Learning together
We come together through honest and open communication to create an environment that stimulates learning and growth.
8 tranformative weeks
Each frame takes us further on the journey of mindfulness:
– Dharma talk and understanding the path of mindfulness
– New tools, attitudes and meditation techniques
– Inquiry practice and experiential learning
– Reflection, connection and support to help integrate the insights and learnings
1. Foundation
– The foundations of mindfulness: WHAT? WHY? HOW?
– Attitude: Beginner’s mind
– Introduction to meditation
– Mindfulness in daily life
2. The body
– Mindfulness of the body – the first foundation
– Attitude: Non-judging
– Introduction to somatic meditation & bodyscan
– Tools for reduced reactivity in our lives
3. Trust in life
– Mindfulness of the body
– Attitude: Trust
– Mindful movements
– Mindfulness och science
4. Stress
– Mindfulness the nervous system & handling stress
– Attitude: Patience
– Meditation: RAIN
– Dealing with pain and difficulties
5. Compassion
The two wings of mindfulness
Compassion and loving kindness
Attitude: Generosity
Meditation: metta
6. Equanimity
– Mindfulness of feelings (second foundation)
– Tools to reduce reactive behavior
– Attitude Acceptance
– Meditation: feelings (“vedana”)
7. Peace of mind
– Mindfulness and the mind (citta) – the third foundation
– Attitude: Letting go
– Hindrances in our lives and practice
– Meditation: thoughts
8. Mindful living
– Living with mindfulness
– Attitude: Non-striving & Gratitude
– Our true Self
– Meditation: choiceless awareness
The course in a nutshell
– Transformative 8 week program
– Groups of 5-10 participants
– Each lesson with new principles and guided practices
– Unlimited access for a lifetime of cultivation
Available online or physically
Contact Patrik for info on scheduled courses or if you want to design a custom course for your workplace.

Take the first step today!
You will receive an email with useful info and payment details

I hope to see you,
let me know if you have any questions.
// Warmly, Patrik